supervisor fewer, supervisor walton, supervisor ronen, supervisor mar, my name is burke hanson. i'll tell you a little bit about myself, just so you kind of know where i'm coming from. i'm a bay area kid, graduated from berkeley high. spent a few years living abroad and came back to san francisco to go to hastings. i was in mexico and japan and i have to say that's that kind of diversity of experience, living in other countries, is one of the greatest experiences you can have. it's something that i have carried with my whole life. i spent seven years living in the tenderloin, in the mid otts, when frank and skyline realty were going around basically with, you know, guns, rolling people out of their apartments. i was one of those guys. and i had worked back in the late '90s at the hope center over on 6th and market. really it was the only dispensary at the time. they had a compassion program. so every day we had a lot of transgendered people, people from that area, it's a very difficult part of town, coming up and we would give them cannabis for free, to take care of their ailmen