shouldn't say that why have you ever seen a russian diplomat or foreign minister handing out cookies to burkhard officers or anyone here on my dime anywhere else in the center of kiev you know only the civilized countries do you agree with the referendum send their ambassadors only the european countries but it's interference and so we're barbarians barbarians why do you say it civilized countries some of them bastards and what about training to know i'm not a barbarian they're civilized countries and what about us what country are we and we're also a civilized country and we're also sent where do we send them. oh you know there is a hilarious joke about this so a u.s. state department representative and you ambassador and the ambassadors of fifteen european countries gathered together on my done to sign a treaty declaring there's to be no interference in ukraine's domestic affairs. from russia. you don't have to be pretty. clearly clever to grasp our relationships with ukraine work. give us money. then we'll be your friends but then only got the money suddenly it goes like this oh you know well