this is penny burland or publix penny as we call her. -- 1931 50 22 years honey thank you 22 years she's made many friends ... watched babies grow into adults . and now it's her time. -- 1940 41 we love penny! "she's always so sweet and so nice to all the kids and see she knows everybody 54 -- it's easy to see why. -- 1933 48 you know penny her first orange from you. uh huh! first strawberry from you. uh huh! her first cookie. -- and with that ... -- 1943 48 let's get some cookies. -- penny did what she and all the kids love. -- but the true sugar here is penny. she makes this store . home. -- 1937 41 how do you make the customers feel so comfortable? how do you do it? because the thing about it when i see them i see my family i love them so much everybody smiles make me happy i forget about everything 55 like i said the whole city is like my family 59 -- and that big family will miss this. 194238 kiss i love wonderful. tell the kids i said hi.. you can still say goodbye to penny and wish her well in retirement. again, her last day is today. you can find her -- where she truly loves to b