i repair cafe in the middle of burlington laura got wrongs he has brought a broken waffle iron and wants to repair it volunteer michelle fish might be able to help he's a hardware developer and skilled at repairing electronic devices. used to do is one ohm is the electrical resistance when you apply one volt one amp throws now you will ask what's a volt i know what have pulled is nothing but good and small batteries have 1.5 volts the more volts the more it hurts. so you for some reason it doesn't work anymore one time i had it switched on for quite a long time about a half an hour and then all of a sudden it was broken and. the 1st repair café was opened in the netherlands in 2009 the idea is simple you can bring broken electrical devices even clothes and furniture and on site volunteers will help you fix them the most important thing donations are appreciated but the help is for free. it's an idea that at least to go to gosh immediately fell in love with she's a villain based artist this is her studio where she hosted villains 1st repair café . then we've been very nice but you know th