burney, i guess you feel strongly. >> wait until you see when he shows up at spring training.ll the apology, he was an idiot to release it during a slow sports news period. he should have released his apology during deflategate for example, so he is stupid. but secondly i don't care about the fans he has to apologize to these idiots. this guy made more money he has more hiney than the rest. i am talking to the fans, he doesn't care about you. if you got throat cancer tomorrow he would still enjoy his coffee and watch soap operas. get over a-rod's apology, to hell with him. >> guy do you write like a guy or a girl? >> i am a yankees fan, so i do appreciate the apology -- >> i don't really care. >> you just got guyed. >> we'll see if he can hit, he has never been my favorite yankees. but we'll go back to the handwriting expert look at his a's, no shut up. that is absolutely ridiculous and the whole thing he writes like a girl went there a super bowl commercial that warned us about this type of thing? >> this is interesting, why is saying somebody writes like a girl is sexist, be