victory and they'll set up a sign for sort of weeks' time to continue their preparations defensively burnside looked good over have to sharpen up more often simply as bill struggled to score points against better teams but will come up again simple worlds which i'm told we don't see more skin. saying the basket on the team received another blow on the eve of the championships coach david plotz as front man j.r. holden well be going to turkey holder's decision to sit out the event follows a similar move by russia captain but it could yet to and leaves the team without a naturalized player at the top to add to the mental for the first time since two thousand down three teams are allowed to add one format to their old stuff called in the plays for it says the russian top flight school of the championship winning shot for russia at euro bosky two thousand and seven and was also part of the school at the beijing olympics a year later. i thought it's now where russia won the gold on day three of the european championships in barcelona the team now tops the overall table with nine medals alexander s