now, burnum was a man of indome minable will meeting his match in olmstead. when the fair opened in the spring of 1893, what was available were a handful, very small, brightly colored boats that seated a maximum of four people as olmsted saw in his trip to china 50 years before, and the white city, as the fair has become to be known, has a place in the america's memory, and people remember the atmosphere and one of the things that contributed to that was the waterways with the little small boats traveling over them. the final land scape that i wanted to describe or land scapes plural is the park systems, and this is an incredible idea. olmsted and vox were thee pioneers of the park system building the first one in the world in buffalo in 1868, and then once olmsted and vox's partnership broke up, olmsted continued on, and he perfected the concept driening a park system in milwaukee, wisconsin, designed one in louisville, kentucky, one in rochester, new york, and then developed a system in boston. now, one of the things that made the park system a really great