. -- or visa bursar. look at whether they made campaign contributions as well and add that for your information. the most important thing you these personalis profiles of revolvers. you will find a graphical timeline of where they have worked. and then the table below lays out exactly where they were and when and provides links if they are registered lobbyists or if they work for a lobbying firm, you can look at the activity of the lobbying firm. what members they worked for and what not. stories,e looking for you will probably want to check out a bunch of these kinds of top lists that we have including what members have had the most revolvers, what agencies do you find a lot of revolvers in, where the people who worked for the committees have moved? where they are? .nd you can look at industries if you are interested in a particular state to for instance, you might want to go your stay -- your and whatelegation firms or companies they have gone to work for. and then you can tied together some of the othe