when paul allen, the co-founder of microsoft, teamed up with burt rutan and burt funded the developmentf the very first privately developed and privately run space program, which was a truly miraculous and wonderful thing that we all watched. and one of these pilots was also a pilot in the spaceshipone program. the other pilot at that time was also a test pilot for the company, scales composite, which build both spaceships, intoet spacesh both spaceshipone and spaceshiptwo. and they were -- in fact, they were very, very good friends, the two of them. and they were some of the best flight pilots i've ever seen. for two young gentlemen, they had talents like you would not believe. they were both civilian pilots. in other words, neither one of them had gone through military training to achieve their skills. they sort of were both born into flight. and they loved to fly. flying was the passion. flying was what they lived to do. and absolutely they both understood the risks that they took in this job which is, as a test pilot, the most scary job, i think, anyone could undertake, which is to