i wish we had more time to learn about nor burt weiner's peculiarities. but he's talking a 12-year-old about the greater things in life. where did nor burt weiner go with his life at that point. >> he got his doctorate in his post doctorate work at various universities in his post talk was with bertrand russell and john dewey. he was just a genius and not only with mathematics, but the logic of mathematics. it was a time when computers were being developed, in a time when the computer was a person with a slide role and a pencil. literally, that was what they were called. it was put into the war effort in 1940 or 41. that was in order to deal with the lift off, which was reigning terror over britain at the time. that was much higher and faster than anybody had known before the war had started. he was famous for working in brownie in motion, which i will not go into, but he was really interested in the fact, and he came to this through his work, that you could put people and mechanical things, including electrical mechanical things, in a single task. and so