>> anthony: so unless i'm mistaken, the gentleman just said that cutting edge research moved to burundieen to preserve the patrimony that existed. all this was state of the art back in the '50s when the library was built. but for 20 years, there hasn't been electricity to run the dehumidifiers to keep out the damp. through so many wars, through all of these difficulties, he has maintained this facility to an extraordinary degree. >> horeb: yeah, absolutely. >> anthony: uh, why? >> anthony: staff still show up to work and organize, catalogue, and write requests for funding, perhaps to kinshasha or a central office where someone may or may not ever respond. he was here pre-independence, yes? >> horeb: yeah. >> anthony: uh, does he remember the belgian, uh, rule? [ speaking foreign language ] >> horeb: oh yeah, he remember, he remembers the, that period of colonial life, colonialists, that, that was the good, the best time that they were living. [ speaking foreign language ] >> anthony: what do you say to someone who suggests that belgian colonialism might have been the good times? ♪ the r