the guy that gave gadhafi a free pass on those murders when george bush sr. came into office. every single one of the serious republican candidates, if can you call them serious republican candidates, have been wining like schoolchildren when obama didn't do what george bush did which was to lie his way into the scam. the weapons of mass destruction scam. instead, we had obama go to the united nations, build a real coalition, not a coalition with albania and latvia and uzbekistan as george bush did, a comic book coalition. this president delivered everything he said he was going to do. >> and back in april, sarah palin jumped all over the president at the particular time and she said this, "simply put, what are we doing there? you've put us in a strategic no-man's land." and, of course, rick perry is out there getting after it today as well, not giving any credit to the president whatsoever. is it all about politics and the war on terror are they ever going to give credit to president obama for anything? is this just the way it's going to be? we're so politic