who would have thought that by the time president bush timepepbar that we would have had everyone in the world on the bandwagon? is important to keep working at it. most people who talk about family planning have never seen it in operation on the ground on site. >> thank you so much for being here. i appreciate the work that both of you continue to do for the benefit of all humanity. mr. president, i agree completely when you talk about vaccinations. they are cheap and they work. i appreciate what you said, they must be invited in and you must have measurable results. i agree with the integrated approach to care. i saw as an orthopedic surgeon how important that is, early detection, prevention, all of those things in an integrated approach and the one-stop shopping you talked about where people can go. what i hear from my colleague who has had a chance to visit these locations is that the patients and the people want to go to the gates facility much more than the local, state or government run facility. apparently you have come up with a better way with transportation and sending a v