so they shouldave in tir tere t tch tirtts busoeiaoof ha. so how do you do that? first of all, you do it in class. but also when you sortof celeatelumn y wao bre aihaso o ton ien th in plf, actually, a former ph.d. from mit who went in business of gambling, and his cimto iso ha ipo tod etgcheso mb. a rt hat, basically targeted people who are addicted to gambling to maximize his revenues. now, this is clearly a legal ha, i nhin agast at, t ion'nst odav a calub t st t e apis d makes sort of the enemy of capitalism stronger. so as a business school, we should not dorse somebodyi atouot b aea um sd beet anhe t sort of skills, at the same time we should also teach a basic social no. monormi'mt mor osr, iot a ha alato ttfmono i -- moral norms, but i do have qualification to talk about what general norms work well andelp no'thearke wod bee rne, an,. the alrnative is the destruction of capitalism or massive regulation. and as a lbertarian, ifer th on both pe.enofmatyf because the beauty of a social norm is that unlike a piece of legislation that goes in congress and i lob