>> judy, when i was growing money the west of ireland, we always thought of the next parish being busten. i think my country's reasonably well known. i do have a passion. you mentioned passion. i put it in terms the fact that i think women tend to be more intergenerational. we tend to think of children and grandchildren. my case now i have four grandchildren who will be in their 40s in 2050. i have an urgent sense that they will look back on this time and say how could they have been so neglectf neglectful. how could they have been so shortsighted. why do they not understand the issues of development. issues of huge population increase. the impact of kriemt, the security issues. the kind of issues we're going to be talking about. there is an urgent need for leadership. in the 21st century a lot of it has to be woman's leadership. we do have more of a sense of purpose into the positions of leadership as we've heard. the issues that we're discussing and discussing them in a very innovative beyond frontiers way and our issues that need to be dell with and not leadership on and that's our ch