>> it's going to get better, but ub underfunded. it's stretched thin. it could give in the wheat markets. it could give in the oil markets. something will give. >> do you have any comment on that, chairman schapiro? >> i think the clearinghouse is obviously to the extent these instruments are mandatorily cleared will have clearance into early warning levels, concentrations by particular firms and be in a position to adjust the margin requirements to account for that. >> i might add the clearinghouses, the two main clearinghouses which is caught in the u.s. and in europe has a concentration where when positions get large, they actually add additional margin on top. and without getting into details, you can imagine what happened here. >> so we'll have additional five-minute rounds with senator shelby. >> i would like to go back to mf global if i could, mr. chairman. chairman, gensler, i'm referring to. this committee, the banking committee's due diligence has revealed to a lot of us that you played an active role in the oversight of mf global during the w