on it, buthave it there is code word stuff in there." director comey, what did general petraeus mean when he said he intentionally said, " codeword information" with her? director comey: that case illustrates the kind of cases the department justice will prosecute, even if they prosecute for a misdemeanor. in that case, there were vast quantities of highly classified information including a sensitive, compartmented information. not only shared with someone without authority to have it, but we found it in a search imprint --under the insulation in his attic, and then he lied about it in the investigation. you have obstruction of justice, intentional misconduct, and a vast quantity of information. he knew that was the wrong thing to do. the's a perfect example of case to get prosecuted. in my mind, that is the distinction to that case -- this case. rep. cummings: and general patristic not admit when the fbi -- and general petraeus did not admit when the fbi investigated. but he did admit in a plea agreement, correct? director comey: yes. r