free, butou are now you must know the only difference you can feel between slavery and freedom is not either neither you or your children can be bought or sold. you may have a harder time now that you ever had and it will be the price you pay for your freedom. well, the linee between slavery and freedom was fine. the only thing severing the two conditions was the custom of attaching money to someone's physical body. although they could no longer be bought and sold as property, the free peoples expectations that they should receive some kind of reprieve from the endless, unpaid work was to him outrageous. he told them, if you get through this year alive, you should be thankful. sewell was not alone in his belief that there was a value and suffering for the free people. fearful that a shortage of labor stemming from former slaves' suspicion of the contract system would endanger agricultural production, many freedmen's areau agents implemented variety of course of policies and that reducing dependency on government support and ensuring eedmen's cooperation. the commissioner ordered his a