i had my heart broken by a girl named hillary and butte montana. decided one day i needed to get out of town and i had friends for two years older than me that wanted to be a marine growing up and when they graduated high school they joined the same day and every time they came home i remember thinking that's awesome, marines are tough and strong, the uniforms are incredible and it was like i want to join the marine corps so i went to join the marines because sometimes it is better to be lucky than it is to be good and the marines proved it was not the opposite. [laughter] and the needy wives, [laughter] the only reason i went into the navy is because by marine friends told me something i didn't know and many of you may not know. they said the marine corps is part of the department of the navy. [laughter] just the men's department. [laughter] i went in to ask where are the marines because i want to be a sniper and he said the best snipers in the world with no further. we have snipers in the navy. you need to become a seal first but no big deal. [la