my example from ohio congressman by ben, i'm sorry -- ben butterworth, butterworth i came across himthe mark hannah papers because they were very, very close friends and a lot of letters you can see they were close and i initially concluded that butterworth must be part of that in ohio that clustered around anna and mckinley but became clear because i got more into these letters that butterworth hannah was weary of mckinley, and then it came across a washington post article of which butterworth was talking about mckinley, and he uses a kind of illustration -- and an idea how to operate it. he said, why if virginia and i were walking through an orchard one beering tree and that tree had about two apples, he would walk around that tree and pick two apples put one in his pocket and turn to me and say ben do you like apples butterworth is trying to say was he was very congenial but seemed to get the apples. [laughter] and he -- as he managed by the direction from the shadows. so i'm going to -- talk a little bit about some of the element examples of the mckinley that emerged in big ways