i worry that even if you create this new revenue stream, they will buttrick and screw it up again. -- they will butcher it. >> there was some back-and- forth between you and arianna huffington. he would like to see a blogger a city council meeting 3 to go over the bridge between the traditional journalism outlet and the blogs and what you see as a challenge in the migration of quality content? >> i do not believe in citizen journalist. i do not believe in bloggers as anything other than an additional resource that can't provide raw information that can then be synthesized by professional journalists. i believe that journalism is a craft and the people will -- people. it is obvious to anyone who is actually been in the journalism, but i will give you one of them. the best editor -- or one of the best team of editors i ever worked with was the guiding celebu might know from "the washington post" -- a guy some of you might know from "the washington post." some of these stories, there was a hole to drive a delivery truck through. that was an incredible gift. the ability to destroy a fraud