you did this, buyou' ablto tak the responsibility for it now. i don't see psychotherapy and medication as an either/or question. some patients that have more-severe depressions won't get better, in my opinion, without medication... in the more severe level. many patients ed both psychotherapand medication to fully recover from tir depression. there are a few people that can have even severe deessions who have intact personalities, who cabe treated with medation and some supportive psychotherapy and cover without any further need for therapy. there are those people, but that is not to say that you can replace psychotherapy with medications in patients who need both. you simply can't do it. i would say that really looking at the whole person involves our r not falling into a particular ideological position, t utilizing all of the knowledge that's available to help our patient. when patients are so depressed that they can't function, or they're suicidal and haven't responded to drugs or other therapies, many professionals think that e.c.t.-- electr