our first priority had to be dealing with people coming in letter, by e-mail, by phonepriority, even can't handle everything really quickly. t handled quickly if it's just a matter of getting people to the right place, but it's a complex case, it can, in fact, take months to resolve. we're also building the capability of doing -- being able to do miranda rule mediation. we have the capability now. but we had quite a few requests for it. remember this has to be something that both parties agree to do voluntarily. they have cases where the agency won mediation. the requester hasn't. the agency didn't want to do it. everybody has to agree to do it. but we certainly want to have, and we're trying to build the capability to make that possible. so, kirs ten, i'm going to tasz it to you to maybe talk a little bit about the best practices that gavin mentioned and ask if there are other comments from gavin or mary ann. then we'll have time for a good exchange of information from you all. i want to respond to a few things that first, i don't think aye been called a sheep dog before. i really l