once upon a time, farsic bushes were planted from the tall kalegas from byareznitskaya lyasgas, dapamagliand fells of young races and were given the rules to look after them. takshama young experts are aiming for new apartments for flying birds. shpakounits were matted with the thoughtless methods of slupas, such methods are more ekalagic. this green fruit is not first for small forest growers, amal pagoda, as 12 cotton and lastly they sprang and became ganar. we have a school forestry, where the children help and take part in restoring forests in planting forests, after all, preschool forestry means setting up titmice, providing some small help, again , the children are interested in seeing how we work, what interesting things we have , interesting we show excursions, on the territory of our preschool education institution there is an ecological trail, an ecological trail with various stops, this is a meteorological station: flower bed, oak, spruce, green pharmacy, vegetable garden, the pupils all know about these stops, each stop is marked somehow with a certain sign, the group has its