he's calling for new rulations to do just that byequiring oadband providers treat all legal web content the same. as stephanie dhue reports, t proposals already drawing cheers and jeers. >> repter: if the f.c.c. chairman has his way, inrnet access providers wilhave to treat wetraffic equally. whether it's to pc, a cell phone, or some otherevice f.c.c. chairman lius genachowsksays new rules of the road a needed to protect consumer choice. >> we willo as much as we need to do, and no more, ensure that the internet remas an unttered platform for competition, creativity,nd entrepreneurial acvity. >> repter: companies like at&t, verizon, and ccast worry ing forced to trt web traffic equally wi keep them from effectively managintheir networks. for exame, they might not be able to give priority tele- medicine or smargrid applications verizon's david young saysew les could stunt growth. >> government does not movas quickly as intnet time and that any attempt to ck in regulationto capture a certain period of time would pvent the internet from ntinuing to evol. >> reporter: companies le amazon, h