kerry fagan, ron cosenza, and byron delaney, they all worked for cws. as do 40,000 other subcontractors all over the world. so they were subcontracted to you. if you're looking for answers, take it up with the main contractor. and that would be? your government. whoever is killing these families holds your company responsible, not the government. we run operations from the middle east to antarctica. going over them all will take months. so you've already started investigations? that's why you pulled the story. [whispering] the cases these people were involved in are protected by a multinational official secrets agreement. even if i wanted to-- these people were killed on u.s. soil by trained suspects who fired on federal agents. as a courtesy and out of respect for the predicament your company now faces, everything in this room is off the record. however, outside this room, if you withhold information about the case, you and your company will be held fully accountable. all right. what do you know? we're looking for a european team, with considerable tra