let's bring in senator byron dorgan from north dakota. we will talk about the agenda and taxes for a moment. but i have to ask you about the latest breaking us in tonight. larry summers, the director of the national economic council, has announced his resignation, he is leaving and going to go back to harvard university. this is number three. if we could just see, as the bailout crowd is happening, peter orszag is gone, the budget director. also, christina romer is also out. and now larry summers announcing today. nator, what does this mean? >> you know what, ed, i don't think it is particularly surprising. i know it is big news, but frankly, a year and three quarters in this presidency, it is not unusual that at this time, toward the end of this year, people start leaving. these are 24/7 jobs, tough jobs. so, i'm not particularly surprised that this president will retool now and bring in some new people, but today's announcement wasn't a particular surprise to me. >> it's no -- no correlation between a struggling ecomony? could this be a