. >> byron katie: everyone is a hero.now, look at the thoughts we've survived, look at the situations in our lives that we've survived. >> sir richard branson: unless you're doing something in life that is, um, that, you know, that you feel passionate about, that you feel passionate about the people, most likely you shouldn't be doing it. >> jack canfield: and the higher purpose is to gain mastery in life, and we gain mastery when we learn wisdom and when we can become more loving. >> t. harv eker: the number one rule is clarity. the reason most people don't get what they want is 'cause they don't know what they want. >> stephen covey: the true joy in life, being used for a purpose known to yourself is a mighty one. [music playing] >> archbishop desmond tutu: i know ultimately that i can't exist without you... as you can't exist without me. >> dalai lama: self confidence, you open, sincere and truthful. so that really i think brings some kind of deep satisfaction to oneself. >> russell simmons: the only thing that matters