so byron lewis and roy eaton figure in here. in the 1960s, civil rights groups had demanded thatly-neutral -- racially-neutral advertising be created. they insisted on consumer messaging that spoke to blacks as blacks in a visual and verbal language that only black agencies could understand and translate to the market. targeting for the black consumer is an anthropological consideration more than a marketing consideration, asserted thomas burrell of chicago's burrell communications. vince colors developed a whole school of principles he called soul marketing, complete with fully articulated instructions of how to use the term boss and jive. in washington black leaders took affirmative action mandates and used them to secure broadcast licenses for radio and television. black agencies asserted their right to control the ad dollars that flowed to those outlets. the pages of ebony and jet came alive with black is beautiful. slogans pitched sham p poos to a fast-growing population of urban consumers. these were positive imma'ams 245