i was actually standing next toby ron pit-- to byron pitts. people making that horrific decision of whether to jump -- >> you said in real-time, you just, your mind -- >> i couldn't get my mind around it. >> grasp exactly what was happening. even,000 saw it, just your mind didn't process that these were people that had chosen to jump from the top of the towers. also you told me before that when the tower, the first tower was falling, you just stood transfixed staring at it, and that it was byron who actually pulled you away and threw you under a truck as -- >> it just seemed so impossible that structure that was so big and so magnificent and so, obviously, strong and had so many people in it. it seemed so impossible what was happening right before our eyes, literally we were so close we were craning our necks to see the top and then the top began to crumble down towards us. like so many others, we ran, we were covered with soot. we stayed down there for weeks and tried to get our arms around a story that was so close to us that in some ways it