byron rhett is helping me out and we have representing the san francisco public utilities commission today donna palassos and others. essentially the public utilities commission is in the process of diversing the public water supply and looking at recycled water at fulfilling some of the city's water needs and have approached the port at looking at a number of port sites that could potentially where they could build a recycled water plant on the east side of the city. they're looking at other sites as well and barbara is here to give a policy overview of the project, some of the siting considerations, the process -- the public participation process they're in right now and i will talk about next steps so thank you barbara. >> thank you. i am barbara palassos and a project manager with the sfpuc and i am here here'd to give you a introduction about this project of the i will talk about the water portfolio and the water program we're implementing here in san francisco. provide more details for the east side project. the sites we are considering and this project that we think is part of