and we had in congress -- or in the senate, we had peter dominic and gordon allette and byron rogersnd wayne aspinall who was considered this mega powerhouse. he never met a water dam he didn't like. and he was on every kind of project you could think of. colorado river basin, the arkansas this, the colorado that, the arizona this. he was everywhere. and he was considered one of the most powerful people there as the chairman of the interior committee. and we had don brotsman, and we had frank adams. so that was 1970. and we were the second most conservative delegation voting in the house. but with joe coors. and so that's how the world kind of saw us. well, all these young hopeaholics that moved in, there were so many of them that the permanent settlers here didn't have time to encircle them and tell them to chill out. they all came in, and they all had selected colorado by choice. they thought it was the greatest place on the planet, and they were going to make it. they were really going to make it a wonderful place to live, and they were going to follow all these things that people