even democrat byron wien, he said, had a piece out today, in fact he sees this rally continuing the next year-and-a-half. >> i think that could be the case. it is certainly, i love the fact that president trump ascribes to hyperbole is the best thing ever. reality the approach to fiscal policy really does bush, added something to already great market. we have low inflation. we have low interest rates. we have growth around the world, but reality of the situation is if we didn't have that optimism, we didn't have consumer spending, didn't have all the things coming from the additional boost that we're getting from trump's fiscal policy, we wouldn't be in the position that we're in. david: jack, the bottom line, we have a president who is a businessman. we have a president whose cabinet is filled with businessmen, like wilbur ross, like linda mcmahon. hillary is cut basically from the same cloth as president obama in terms of having suspicion about business rather than celebrating it. >> let me tell you what my favorite number. you can decide how much credit trump gets. he gets some. my fa