c-f-o john mulligan will serve as interim president and ceo. the company said in a statement "after extensive discussions, the board and gregg steinhafel have decided that now is the right time for new leadership at target." the holiday hack attack impacted more than 40 million consumers. ken perkins, a morningstar analyst says there is hope for target's brand, and shareholders. "consumers tend to have a short memory unless there is somethiing that really causes them to remember and alter their shopping habits permanently and we just don't think that over time the brand equity has been damaged to the point for people to stop shopping there " morningstar believes target will generate better returns when the data breach is behind it and when it gets its struggling canadian operations back on track. in ipo watch ...shares of gaslong partners are expected to price in after the close. the company operates and owns liquefiend natural gas carriers. the stock price is expected between $19 and $21. and trade under the ticker symbol glop. an ipo that is