c. destry it would be completely different it is a spade it is a very interesting experiment. to cheat. and then. the fact was completed they were really scared when they saw in the theater. after the scare you so they realize that it is different from what was he. trying to figure out if violent behavior in general can be contagious for instance if you look at the sandy hook who attacked the elementary school in america police found paper clippings that he had say from noways rape who had massacred young people here before. but that's true but they perceived not only. so it's not just violence is the tone device so we can keep on watching tyrant films yes it's ok it's. so what about blind or deaf people do they also have. some how are they actually inoculated an experiment do we. and they have the meter. the data to. back that for example you can recognize many action by sound. they did it when i was even better people who have good sight because there are more sensitive and it's more developed because they have to use these. so to me are in there are actually for our percept