c-o-n-s-c-i-e-n-t-i-o-u-s. [bell dings] - holy crap! - way to go, mark, all right! uh...definition? - something you sit on. - country of origin? - english! - could you please use it in a sentence? - oh, for christ's sake, kid, the word is "chair"! - uh..."chair." c-h-a-r-e. [buzzer sounds] aw, dammit! how come i get the hard ones? get over here, you son of a bitch fonics monkey! - all right, we're down to just three finalists. first up is rebecca cotswolds from home school. all right, rebecca, here is your word: "litoral" - litoral. definition? - "having to do with a lake or ocean."" - litoral. will you please use it in a sentence? - "gary was most interested in the litoral features of michigan." - litoral... l-i-t-o-r-a-l! [bell dings] - correct! - wow. - all right, rebecca! good job, honey! - and now we have kyle broflovski. here we go: "kroxldyphivc". - what? - "kroxldyphivc". - definition? - "something which has a kroxldyph-like quality." - uh... could you use it in a sentence? - certainly. "kroxldyphivc is a hard word to spell." - kroxldyphivc... - you can do i