when both are pushed to the limit, pendleton's c.a.r.e. team is called into action. >> the c.a.r.e.ut bringing down the number of physical forces, and it's actually brought that down. it's random, so different people are assigned to it. so today we're both on the c.a.r.e. team and you go to wherever you're called to and talk to the kid so it doesn't escalate into physical force. >> what's up? >> i'm the biggest force to this [ bleep ] -- >> we've established that. what's going on. >> you don't know what's going on until you get there. i don't know this student, so a lot of it's like, what's going on? >> so you're hungry. >> this teacher won't let me go to school. >> initially what had happened, the student was upset and he wanted to go speak with the teacher that we have on the unit. >> why would they not want you to go to school? >> i'm supposed to work on myç gd. as soon as a white student ask, can i go -- she's like, oh, yeah, bring him here. >> so she was pulling the race card and was wanting her to -- he wanted attention right then and there and she wasn't able to give him tha