c.e.o. of fusion i.q. and author of this book bailout nation how great an easy money corrupted wall street and shook the world economy take a listen and you know we had to send our producer up to vancouver to get our hands on you finally get you in that seat so thank you there was no. me cornered. there was no escaping got to where we want you because i am dying to ask you about housing this is something that you write a lot about you've written in recent months a lot about the housing woes that the u.s. market still faces and you are way ahead of the curve ahead of the housing bust to to go back a few years now there is some news today some data that housing starts unexpectedly fell in july groundbreaking on u.s. holmes new ones unexpectedly fell in july that's according to the wall street journal they say unexpectedly and say this is a reminder of the housing market's weakness despite some recent signs of recovery i doubt this would be unexpected for you as you've been talking about problems of the housin