with us as one of the foremost data wranglers in the world and that is the founder of systems and c.e.o. pam. pam welcome. hello everyone how are you today fantastic you know it's so nice you to make time i know you're one of the busier people out there going to trade shows etc first of all people have heard this term pam about big data but can you explain it just in the aggregate not just in finance and then move into finance and business. yes absolutely and you know bart i do tend to a lot of trade shows but the purpose of that is to get information and learn and to give you an example the context of big data i sat at a regulatory conference which i know you're very familiar with and within the first fifteen minutes on a panel i heard big data i talked about that word two thousand times by so i don't even know if big data is a thing but what we would be you know basically if you think about the world of big data in a recent presentation that i gave you know in three years it is estimated that there will be more big data in the universe than there are stars in the sky so if you think about