c.f. philanthropists and space tourists to be when they're discussing future of green technologists welcome back to the show per now there have been grain bubbles before lights in the ninety's and then during the financial crisis and during obama's time as well there's nothing scary about a green bubble a sense that seems to always bounce back. there's something scary about bubbles in general in financial markets and of read another book about that called wall street without the ups and downs of financial markets and the sad reality is when you build up big bubbles like that and they bust somebody is going to pay for it and typically it ends up being main street as opposed to wall street who pays for it so there is a political aspect to this the good news is you can actually prevent some of these bubble the bad news is that we as human being tend to want to create them out of maybe out of right motivation but wrong implementation that's the challenge we face here but there has been green bubbles in the past they have not been as big as this one we're building right now because now there is