his name is c.j. huff. dr. huff is a superintendent of the joplin schools. the tornado damaged or destroyed ten of their buildings. joplin high was interest in ruins. c.j. feared that if the schools didn't open on time, families would start to leave town. he was not about to let that happen. so c.j. rallied his forces. parents and teachers, students and civic leaders, carpenters and plumbers and an army of volunteers, in just 54 days they turned an empty department store at a shopping mall into a high-tech high school. not only did all of joplin schools open on time, nearly 95% of the students showed up on that first day. folks that was simply amazing to see. please, stand and welcome an outstanding leader, dr. c.j. huff. >> public service matters. what we do here matters. but in a world of term limits, skeptics say we can't get much accomplished. in a world of hyperpartisanship, cynics say we can't find common ground. to them i say, just watch us. whether you're are from a big city or a small town, whether you make your living on the farm or in a lab, whethe