messing with their freedom that's why they're right demonstrating against the coronavirus lockdown c.j. parker is a surfer who earns his money as an electrician most of his customers of restaurants he's out of work because the restaurants are in lock down to the fact that california's governor govern you some shut down restaurants and even the beaches make c.j. angry. because if you shut this beach down this is sort of city people right they'll flip cars over and catch him on fire i wouldn't do that but i know that people will do that i mean you don't shut the beach down it really the way we see it there authority ends at the water's edge. and as far as our governor to use it for. huntington beach is conservative and many here don't take the democratic governor seriously sunbathing is prohibited to beach front can only be used to play sports or go for a walk and people here are ignoring social distancing guidelines and clearly the police are turning a blind eye cousins in this part of california demonstration on a regular basis against a lockdown but c.j. is not afraid of getting infected by o