so trading was so furious in the december two thousand and twelve gold contract max that the c.m.e. circuit breaker was triggered and halted trading for five seconds so you can see from this chart one second before the halt two thousand contracts treated the price of gold down ten dollars to seven hundred thirty to seven hundred twenty and so the circuit breaker was triggered a pause trading for five seconds so now the x. who produced this chart said that for this event this basically means that this order represented a true intent to sell then we should expect additional selling from the balance of that order that triggered the halt when trading resumes however the additional selling did not materialize which leads us to believe the large sell order was meant to disturb any market based on the price of gold and disturbed the markets it did write well the dichotomy here. is that people who talk about gold are considered now by homeland security in other areas of the us as terrorists but people who actually overtly manipulate the price of these markets to circumvent the entire market making