but the second padilla is a regular guest on the nancy grace show dealing with human dramas which is aired on c.n.n. daily you nancy grace that would be good but why is that he. even has his own t.v. show. the bounty hunter runs his own advertising rather if you're a pilot. and you're a. hero in hollywood everything is a show even crime. this man saw the opportunity and tapped into it a reality t.v. show producer came up with the idea of following bounty hunters. the show is called fugitives from justice. if you want to see. the program. here is one of their programs film from beginning to end right there this is not fiction but a real manhunt. in a farm in texas a fugitive has to myself. or surrounding him with helicopters armored vehicles and rifles all of that paid for by the show. to flush out the fugitive the bounty hunters crash their armored vehicle against the wooden shack. line. by the gas the man is pinned to the floor. of. the train. truck to get a good view of these men and women are real policeman members of an m j terrorist squad but moonlight's on weekends for the production of the show on real