c.n.n. you go ali father you know this life but it was you were so far so good though. the vents all the drivers themselves pull dogs out of the race if they're sick and tired or just can't keep up with the pace retired dogs travel with the snowmobilers in special boxes a dog that's been pulled out can't be harnessed again even if the animal has recovered the maximum number of dogs pertain is sixteen the minimum is eight using fresh dogs during the race is against the rules. which are good for you so much for . the sunny thrown with them for new followers to. people with years people. who fit into. for sure thing these forces do if you choose. to squash box they have some works in. north to our. city. and. did you get it but. i think that. i think. you. know. it if you think. about it so i thought. it was. a mistake to have. but this shows that most of the first law passed. uneventfully. the past event that you must be the superman and for us that really didn't do the things feel a steely ease that boy he was the only so much to be able to be seen selfless and human but