f caadiac - arrhythmia dueeto caffeine -to.earn today... porrdamage in jarrettsville pver the weekend.this was just some of the aftermath from friiay's storms... trees toppleddover on cox road. luccily... no njuries were reported.but for many residdntts.. the experience was. "i wassjust standiig on front looking up at the street light at theeroad wind was just really coming strong from one d" weather service is xpected to today.n official decision - senator george mcgovern... who rannfor president and lost to riihard nixon in 1972... has di. diee.the south akota ddmocrat diee a little after five sunday morning.... in sioux falls ... surrounded by his family and friends. mmgovern servvd three senate terms... nd ran or president three times. despite the waaergate scandal in 1972 ... &pmcgovern lost the ppesidentia election hat year to nixon in one of thh bigggst landslides innhistory.he was 90-yeaas-- old. pcmediennn and talk show host, ellen degenerrs receivvs the nation's top humor prize in washingtoo d.c.the kennedy center is