santa rosa we are the opening of at the pool was perfect timing great location for a live shot cabo cornellrnell: yeah, timing, everything, right, in the pool open for the season a few hours ago and lots of families work lining up to be the first in the water and today it is bringing warning t bsaiver who knew the schedule reopening of the bridge was once and it would happen during a small spring heatwave creating the perfect cool day for santa rosa families. >> coming back to the pool, yep, because we are excited. >> [indiscernible] jazmine and her five kids were person the water and also check out the bottom line outside before the doors event open. >> get the kids out. they have been good all year could cook up your great winter with the water. and it we did not do it be so many people so first one in. >> house water? >> really nice. >> is a? >> yeah. >> compared>> yet. >> refreshing. update. >> temperatures were spi towards 90 degrees at memorial beach on the russian river. >> nice cold water. we have plenty of it. warning the public the river is flowing 450% higher than last season aft