lyric cabral, the deportation of his wife?s after his arrest, he was kicked out of public housing. he and his wife and his daughter were kicked out of public housing. they sort of depended on the charity of friends locally in pittsburgh, and ultimately, moved to ohio. we travel to ohio to film with her to do a little bit of follow-up. when we went there, we found immigration had seized her passport along with the passport of for daughter. basically, told her she could not get these documents back unless you left the country. under the threat of being arrested, she was sort of forcibly made to leave. amy: lyric cabral and david felix sutcliffe are the directors of remarkable real-time film called "(t)error ." it was first shown at sundance and it -- this week in, shown at the tribeca film festival. it was shown to a packed house. people stunned at the end of this film. when we come back, we are going to continue to talk about this fbi sting. actually, a well-known jazz musician named tarik shah. we are joined by tarik shah's mo