cacaain's log. stardate 1704.4. ship out of control, spiraling down towards planet psi 2000. we have 19 minutes of life left how did riley get in there? he ran in, said you wanted us on the bridge. he's cututff both helm and power. then he shut the door behind us and locked off the mechanism. can't you get to the auxiliary? to my office and pull the plans for this bulkhead. the only way to get that door open is to cut through these wall circuits here. ? the roses a a have left your cheeks ? ? i watched them fade away and die ? status reports, all sections. mr. spock, a fight in the aft wardroom. security reports incidents among the crewmen are increasing. seal off main sections. all decks, alert system b-2. repeat, go t talert condition baker-2. seal off all main sections. stand by. we're going to seal off, captain, if we can minimize the spread of whatever this is. continue the alert, lieutenant. i can't, sir. he's cut off the alert channels. lieutenant uhura... you've interrupted my song. i can't, sir. there's no way to do it! attention, crew. this is captain riley. there w