the european union hits us chip making giant caccamo with close to a billion euros in anti trust anil t s nine hundred ninety seven million to be exact the use competition commission of mortgage rates of a stock a set the chip maker paid its t. customer apple to use just bought on chips and i thought and i thought that meant qualcomm managed to illegally shot our rivals from the market for l.t.e. baseband chipsets for at least five years ensuring its own market its. let's bring in ali bots from the frankfurt stock exchange only first star is really getting serious against foreign tech companies is such a policy that is shining through then how do investors see that move. i don't think it's a policy that's directly. aimed at foreign investors or american tech giants some people would claim that just as some people over here in europe and germany claim that the united states government deserved to get foreign banks on its soil with a c.c. and all sorts of prosecutors demanding billions in fines when banks over there have done wrong no i think my good best together is wanting to create a